Tuesday 19 August 2014

EOS Lip Balm Reaction & Review

I love EOS lip balms, I really do. I own 4 of them and use them regularly. So when I figured out they made a new kind of EOS lip balm that was flavoured/scented COCONUT MILK, I was thrilled. Coconut is one of my favourite scents. 

I picked it up as soon as I saw it.. 

When I used it, I absolutely LOVED it. I honestly loved it. It moisturized my lips, it smelled amazing, I wore it every day. But something made me stop...

My lips started to burn for a few days. I had an allergic reaction to this product. It went through stages - 
At first the burning. Then I got a white line across my lips. Then the line turned red, like an obvious burn..

I know you can't see it very well, because of my Blackberry. The quality sucks. 

It was much worse, and more obvious in person. 
The same day my lips swelled. They're even a bit swollen in the picture. My mom thought it was funny. I DID take pictures and sent them to my boyfriend, but I deleted them right after. 

Now they're starting to scab over and burn less. 

For so long I tried to deny that it was this product since I loved it so much but I can't deny it anymore. It's the only new product I have used. Very disappointed :( 

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